Jewish Quest

119 - Tetzaveh with Rabbi Dov Linzer

Jewish Quest

Rabbi Dov Linzer asks what is signified by the lighting of the Menorah?

Rabbi Dov Linzer is one of the leading voices of Modern Orthodoxy in the world today. He is the President and Rabbinic Head of the Modern Orthodox Yeshivat Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School in Riverdale, New York. He is a teacher, lecturer, podcaster, and author.

Rabbi Linzer has been a scholar-in-residence in synagogues across the USA and has published in numerous Talmudic journals and Jewish newspapers.  In 2011, Newsweek, ranked him among the 50 most prominent rabbis in the United States, stating that "Linzer's students now hold some of the most prominent positions in shuls and Hillels all over the country" and that his school's "alumni will undoubtedly alter the fabric of Modern Orthodoxy. 

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